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"How can I get the body I want?"

You might constantly find yourself bombarded with photos of people you admire, with physiques you aspire to. How did they achieve that level? Sure, a small part of it comes down to genetics, but the vast majority of their results stem from a disciplined regimen of diet and exercise. However, simply saying "diet and exercise" isn't helpful—it's too simplistic when more specific questions arise:

  • What should I be eating—and how often?
  • What kind of exercises should I be doing?
  • What is the optimal frequency and volume of exercise?

These are the questions that need answers.

Below, I've outlined my lifestyle in detail to show you exactly what it takes. From there, you can evaluate and apply the principles to create your own unique lifestyle and environment.

As your virtual coach and mentor to emulate, or as your challenger to surpass, I hope that sharing my lifestyle in detail will give you an understanding of what it takes to successfully reach your goals. The manual will help you acquire the knowledge to do so.

Mental Checklist

As you go through my personal lifestyle, ask yourself these questions:

  • How does this lifestyle compare to mine, and where can I grow?
  • What areas am I doing well in, and can I continue them?
  • What areas can I improve in, and what steps will I take?
  • What are my mental barriers, and how can I resolve them?
  • What are my daily challenges, and how can I work around them?
  • What do I want my daily standard to be, and how can I get there?

If you struggle with these challenges, I offer a paid coaching plan.

Lifestyle Profile

My Physique
My "dad bod" at the age of 40.


Age: Early 40s
Height: 5'10" (177 cm)
Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)
Body fat: 8.4% (DEXA scan)

Blood pressure: 106/62 mmHg
Resting heart rate (RHR): 42–46 bpm
Heart rate variability (HRV): 68–74 ms
VO₂ max: ~62.6 mL/kg/min
Weight goal: Maintenance
Fitness priority: Health and longevity
Roles and Work
Daily/Weekly Hobbies
  • Oil painting
  • Reading books
  • Learning languages (German and French)


Along with work and hobbies, all the events, planning, commitments, tasks, errands, and duties also come with family, friendships, and life.

Being disciplined and efficient are keys to managing finite time.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle creates energy and a sound mind. This helps tackle daily challenges. Challenges are taken on one task at a time, big or small. Challenges are taken on by order of prioritization, with little or no procrastination. This is under my control in order to tackle situations outside of my control.

I recharge by trail running, reflection, meditation, and rest. Occasionally, power naps are taken when things get too tough.

My philosophy on how to live is based on the principles of Stoicism.

Typical Daily Routine

  • 5:15 a.m.: Wake up
  • 5:30 a.m.: Trail running or cycling to work, fasted state
  • 7:30 a.m.: Meal #1
  • 12:00 p.m.: Meal #2
  • 3:30 p.m.: Strength training followed by a post-workout meal or cycling home
  • 6:00 p.m.: Meal #3, ending by 7:00 p.m.
  • 9:45–10:15 p.m.: Sleep for ~7 hours/night

Weekly Workout Routine

Cardiovascular Aerobic Exercises

  • Trail running: Fartlek training method, including walking and sprinting, ~3 km for 20–30 minutes, 4–5 days a week, year-round between -15ºC to 30ºC (5°F to 86°F). Substitution on colder days: Indoor rowing machine.
  • Cycling (commuting): Typically 23–25 km/h for 55–60 total minutes, Thursdays and Fridays, year-round between -25ºC to 30ºC (-13°F to 86°F).

Strength Training Workout Program

SSF Simplicité (4x Superset Mod)

  • Warm-Up: Pre-workout warm-up of 100 jumping jacks, and a 4 minute series of five core exercises: standard plank with hip extension, side plank with leg lift, dead bug, single leg bridges, and bird dog.
  • Workout: Only ~30 minutes for each strength training workout, 4 workouts per week. Most exercises have short 1 minute breaks and some workouts have supersets in order to maximize intensity and shorten workout length.
  • Stretches: Post-workout full body stretches.
Day Exercise Weight Sets Reps Rest
Mon Front Squat 215 lbs 3 6 3'
Dumbbell Lunge 37.5 lbs ×2 2 8–12 3'
Barbell Squat 215 lbs 2 12 3'
Tues Ring Dip (Superset with ↓) BW 7 10 -
Chin-Up BW 7 10 1'
Wed (Wall) Handstand BW 3 ~1' 1'
Pike Push-Up BW 3 25–30 1'
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 17.5 lbs x2 3 10–12 1'
Farmer's Walk 37.5 lbs ×2 Max 3 1'
Sat Ring Row (Superset with ↓) BW 3 10–15 -
Ring Push-Up BW 3 20–25 1'
Pull-Up (Superset with ↓) BW 3 10 -
Diamond Push-Up BW 3 10–12 1'
Tuck Ice Cream Maker (Superset with ↓) BW 2 5–7 -
Pseudo Planche Push-Up BW 2 11–13 1'
Note: The ' marker denotes time in minutes. BW refers to body weight.
If your diet is similar to mine, adjusted for your age, gender, weight, and height using the calculators, you'd be close to my level. With a workout routine that includes maximum intensity from SSF Simplicité or SSF Atlas, combined with near-daily 30-minute aerobic exercise, you would likely surpass my level.

Daily Meals


  • 1–2 cups of black coffees or espressos during the morning.
  • 1–2 cups of green, herbal, or black teas during the afternoon.
  • 4–5 litres of water throughout the day.
  • A glass of wine or beer 1–2 times a month.


  • 1 tablet of vitamin D3 once per day.
  • 1 capsule of fish oil (EPA + DHA) once per day.
  • 5 g of creatine every day.

Total Daily Calories

Utilizing 12–13 hours of intermittent fasting, I consume 2600–3500 calories per day, with the lower end on rest days and the higher end on physically demanding days. This averages to about 3100 calories per day, which I maintain at equilibrium due to my activity level.

Meals Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Meal #1 (1000–1300 kcal) Porridge Powerhouse, fruit, and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi Porridge Powerhouse, fruit, open-faced sandwich and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi Porridge Powerhouse, fruit, open-faced sandwich and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi Bircher Muesli, fruit, open-faced sandwich and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi Bircher Muesli, fruit, open-faced sandwich and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi Porridge Powerhouse, fruit, and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi Porridge Powerhouse, fruit, open-faced sandwich and a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi
Meal #2 (1000 kcal) Foundation: Complete Foundation: Complete Foundation: Complete Foundation: Complete Foundation: Complete Canned herring or sardines with a vegetable sauté on cooked barley Foundation: Complete
Post-Workout Meal (500 kcal) Berry Crunch Steel-Cut Oats Berry Crunch Steel-Cut Oats Berry Crunch Steel-Cut Oats - - Berry Crunch Steel-Cut Oats -
Meal #3 (~700 kcal) Various dinner dishes, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, and an orange Various dinner dishes, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, piece of 85% dark chocolate, and an orange Various dinner dishes, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, and an orange Baked Salmon and Wedges, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, piece of 85% dark chocolate, and an orange Various dinner dishes*, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, and an orange Various dinner dishes*, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, and an orange Three-Part Italian Meal or leftovers, Dairy Berry Cup, sheet of nori, piece of 85% dark chocolate, and an orange
* This is occasionally substituted with a twice- or thrice-a-month cheat meal from a restaurant.

Fasting-Mimicking Diet

Every 3–4 months, I go through five days of the fasting-mimicking diet. You can purchase the FMD plan that I personally use.

All the best in your fitness journey.