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SSF Calorie Calculator


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How often do you exercise each week?*

*Exercise refers to 30–60 minutes of moderate to vigorous strength or cardio training. Metabolism, activity level, and exercise type can affect caloric outcomes.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
↔ To Maintain Weight
↑ To Gain Weight
↓ To Lose Weight
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SSF Macronutrient Calculator


Average daily caloric consumption:
(Based on your Calorie Calculator result)

Workout days per week:


Workout Days

Rest Days

  Workout Days Rest Days
  Calories Grams Calories Grams
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Heart Rate Zone Table

Calculate Your Heart Rate Zones*

Zone Difficulty Purpose Benefits Activity
Zone 1: 50–60% of MHR Very easy, can maintain a full conversation without any difficulty Recovery and warm-up Improves overall health and helps the body to recover after intense workouts Walking
Zone 2: 60–70% of MHR Easy, breathing slightly harder but still able to speak in complete sentences Fat burning, aerobic base building, enhancing mitochondrial function and efficiency Enhances endurance, helps in fat burning, and improves cardiovascular efficiency Brisk walking, light jogging, comfortable cycling, moderate swimming
Zone 3: 70–80% of MHR Moderate, conversation is possible but requires noticeable effort, shorter phrases preferred Aerobic endurance Improves cardiovascular fitness and increases aerobic capacity Steady jogging, moderate cycling, fast swimming
Zone 4: 80–90% of MHR Hard, breathing heavily, conversation is very difficult, only a few words at a time Anaerobic endurance Increases maximum performance capacity and improves lactate threshold Running, fast cycling, swimming sprints
Zone 5: 90–100% of MHR Very hard, maximum effort, conversation is impossible, focus entirely on breathing Peak performance, VO2 max Builds speed and power, and increases the body's ability to handle high-intensity efforts Sprinting, high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

* Note: This table is designed for the average person with a resting heart rate (RHR) of 60–80 BPM. A lower (<60 BPM) RHR indicates a larger heart rate reserve (HRR) and better cardiovascular fitness, and so would result in lower BPM values within the heart rate zones.

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SSF VO₂ max Calculator



Resting Heart Rate (BPM):

Your VO₂ max is:

Interpretation of VO₂ max Results

Category Men (mL/kg/min) Women (mL/kg/min)
Elite Above 60 Above 50
Excellent 50–60 40–50
Good 45–50 35–40
Average 35–45 30–35
Below Average 30–35 25–30
Poor Below 30 Below 25
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SSF Biological Age Calculator Experimental

Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose
Lipid Profile (mg/dL or mmol/L)
Body Measurements (WC/HT)

Waist Circumference


Biological Age
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SSF DBW Calculator

Current Body Fat

Body Weight

Desired Body Fat

Your desired body weight is:
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SSF Strength Standards Calculator

Weight metric in

Body weight

You can lift

Exercise to assess

Your 1RM
You can lift
Your level
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