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About SSF

📚 The one-stop fitness resource

Learn how to personalize your fitness:

  • Muscle Burn fat and build muscle naturally and sustainably with whole foods and minimal supplements.
  • Smiley Extend your lifespan and healthspan by staying youthful and reducing the risk of disease.
  • Immunity Eat more while consuming fewer calories with accessible ingredients.
  • Mental Develop mental and physical mastery for sustained energy and peak performance.

🔍 Evidence-based research

Unified theory of fitness
Unified theory of fitness: The interdependent core pillars of nutrition, exercise, and sleep contribute to microbiome, physical, mental, and metabolic health.

Simple Science Fitness provides clear, evidence-based insights, supported by over 750 cited links to clinical journals and research papers, along with powerful fitness calculators designed to deliver actionable results.

⚙️ Biohacking doesn't have to be complicated

A sensible approach to a healthy lifestyle, requiring only minimal equipment and whole foods, will give you results—no matter your age, weight, gender, or fitness level. It worked for us. Become a superhuman!

🤝 Why should you trust me?

The author
The author behind this site, at age 40, embodying the principles shared here. Proven results through consistent effort.

I take pride in having lower visceral fat than leading longevity experts and biohackers like Bryan Johnson, who ranks in the top 99.5% worldwide with 0.42 litres (25.6 in³) or Siim Land, with 57.2 cm³ (3.49 in³), or 59 grams. In comparison, my visceral fat is among the lowest recorded in the world at just 0.12 in³ 1.97 cm³ or 0.00197 litres, or under 5 grams, as confirmed by my DEXA scan (see results below).

As someone naturally curious, I'm always trying to make sense of the world around me. One puzzle I keep returning to is why fitness and nutrition seem so confusing in our society. The truth is, we already have the answers, but we've surrendered our power instead of empowering ourselves:

  1. We oversimplify complex systems, creating half-truths where nuance is needed.
  2. Online media distort information for profit, fueling misinformation, petty arguments, dietary tribalism, and the rise of misleading influencers.

For over 20 years, I've spent a lot of time:

  • Researching the science behind health and fitness
  • Using myself as a citizen scientist
  • Optimizing my own health

In my 40s, my biological age reflects someone much younger. The results speak for themselves: excellent biomarkers, athletic-level blood pressure, and virtually no visceral fat. Despite how it may appear, I'm actually genetically predisposed to obesity [markers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

A+ score across 50 biomarkers, reflecting excellent health, achieved pre-optimization (04/24, before diet optimization). I expect to be within the 95th percentile in my next annual test.
A typical reading of 106/62 mmHg, common in healthy, active individuals, indicating a lower risk of hypertension-related issues like heart disease or stroke.
I am among the individuals with the world's lowest visceral (abdominal) fat, weighing exactly 0.00 lbs—likely down to the hundredth of a pound (or less than 5 grams)—according to my VAT results. This places me at the lowest risk for health complications associated with visceral fat.
8.4% body fat as of my last DEXA scan at age 40, 5'10" (177 cm), and 170 lbs (77 kg).

As a husband, a parent to a special needs child, and the son of deaf immigrants, I balance full-time work, hobbies, family, friends, and maintaining this website. I don't make excuses when it comes to health and fitness. Believe me, I understand the challenges firsthand and can share with you how I manage my lifestyle effectively.

My goal is to share the most up-to-date, reliable information on health and fitness. This is my contribution to society. ✌️

This site was developed to help individuals achieve their health and fitness goals. Accurate knowledge, when applied consistently, leads to successful results. Those who achieve high levels of fitness inevitably prioritize quality nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep, all within a disciplined lifestyle.

About the Author

The author and his son
The author and his son.

Simple Science Fitness was created in 2012 by Joachim Lapiak and is continuously maintained by the author to ensure the health and fitness content and tools remain current, comprehensive, and timeless. Simple Science Fitness was entirely researched, written, designed, and developed by Joachim.

The author brings over two decades of research and experience in health and fitness. Having earned an NCAA-accredited certification in Personal Training, he has explored various training and dietary regimens, meticulously documenting results through biofeedback.

Joachim is a son to deaf parents, husband, and father to a special needs child.